
Group Companies

Akdağlar Mining Industry and Trade Inc. proved its knowledge and experience in sand production as well as aggregate production and started its activities according to the needs of Istanbul with serious investments. Just like in other fields of activity, it produced sand with a certificate of quality and provided customer satisfaction.
With the R&D studies done in the asphalt and concrete laboratories contained within its body, it helped Akdağlar Mining to gain an important place in the sector. Concrete sand produced in the Ormanlıköy/Çatalca Region (500 tons/wk) is a solid result of this study. The distress faced in Istanbul about the supply of quality sand has been overcome with this sand and proved its quality and reliability by being used in the Eurasia Tunnel Project.

Mont Blanc

Trailing Suction Hooper Dredger SWEEPING SHIP

In Turkey, works of generating sand from the sea, are made with small-scale vessels with cranes, or with old and obsolete technology in the world on the current situation.

First time in Turkey, this style of functioning and high technological capacity TSHD "Hooper Trailing Suction Dredger" ship (Ship Scan) were nationalized, gained for our country to contribute to the economy.

Since getting sand and free materials from the sea by the TSHD ships is both more efficient, cheaper and more environmentally friendly, the production of such types of ships of which use has been rising for 30 years in the developed countries should be supported to be produced and used.

In addition, dredging, deepening and also cleaning of port entrances can be carried out in ports with this ship. Removed materials can be dewatered and transferred to land or carrier ships when requested.

The advantage of the existing ship overland transportation is; it has been calculated that the transport of 27 tons of trucks and with 200 trucks sand transports with a single ship is much more economical than transporting trucks from the sea and will provide a significant advantage in both truck traffic and transportation costs.

Moreover, not only are the positive effects of emission of greenhouse gases (environment) limited by exhaust emission but also, because of the consumption of fuel, oil, tires and spare parts, it is economically beneficial to both the region and the country.